As part of connecting future founders with startup and entrepreneurial resources, we sat down with industry experts Eric Lo and Greg Keller to discuss design, packaging, pricing strategy, and data-driven decision-making during the product development phase.
Greg Keller is the co-founder of Frontera, a premium grocery store brand centered on “authentic Mexican flavors.” In this episode, Keller discusses the process of increasing product sales through package design and distribution tactics. He also discusses branding, pricing strategy, gathering “diverse team input,” and developing sustainable relationships with their core distributors.
Eric Lo is the founder of Krado, a biotech plant sensor manufacturer, previously featured in TechBuzz, that deploys subscription houseplant services to “crowdsource the world’s largest plant database.” In this video, Lo discusses plant-based packaging, environmental impact of products, cost management, and managing supply chain strategy at scale. He also offers insight into the aesthetics of Krado’s IoT design, their unique “hardware as a service” model, and aligning product design and messaging with their target customers.
Lo is also a 2022 WIN100 honoree, peer-voted as "most likely to create a high growth company" by Utah's business community. For more information about the Wasatch Innovation Network (a partnership with the Salt Lake Chamber and TechBuzz), please visit their site.