
Tessa White

Tessa White is CEO of The Job Doctor, a practice dedicated to helping individuals navigate the workplace and companies re-engage their employees. Tessa is a TechBuzz Advisory Board Member.

Location Alpine, UT
Number of Articles 3
Tessa White's Work 3 Articles
HR & Management Series   -   Jul 30, 2023 Why You Suck As a CEO
Why You Suck As a CEO

by Tessa White, CEO The Job Doctor I was called out for being unethical by the CEO.  This is not something I’m proud of. I’m the head of human resources and the one person that a company should be able to count on for equity and fairness, and

by Tessa White
People & Culture   -   Jan 08, 2023 New Podcast from The Job Doctor: Career Straight-Talk
New Podcast from The Job Doctor: Career Straight-Talk

Tessa White, aka The Job Doctor, has a new podcast that went live today: The Job Doctor: Career Straight-Talk.  White has spent decades observing patterns in how people manage their careers and how companies operate. With over a million followers on her social media accounts, White has released a new

by Tessa White
Startup 101   -   Oct 10, 2022 It’s Not A Boomers Workforce Anymore: How Gen Z Will Transform the Workforce as We Know It
It’s Not A Boomers Workforce Anymore: How Gen Z Will Transform the Workforce as We Know It

By Tessa White My daughter is transient. She works from wherever she wants. Some weeks it's Europe, some weeks it's Mexico, and occasionally she stops in at the office. She started a new business on the side to make some extra money so she could go

by Tessa White
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