BYU Law School will host its LawX Demo Day on Friday, April 12 at 10:00am to showcase two innovative technology solutions to come out of the law school’s legal design lab this past semester:

  • CourtServe, a platform to connect judges, charities and offenders to make it easier for judges to assign community service. The online resource makes it easier for court-appointed volunteers to find and fulfill their community service obligations. The prototype has received positive feedback from judges as well as adult probation and parole supervisors, who agree this resource makes it more likely a judge would assign community service in lieu of fines.
  • Order Up, a document automation platform for divorce documents. Divorce proceedings can be expensive and emotionally taxing, taking months or years to settle. Whether you’re representing yourself or working with a law firm, this solution reduces the time and cost to generate documents such as financial declaration forms needed to obtain temporary orders. The prototype has received positive feedback from paralegals and family law practice attorneys, who believe it will save clients time and money on paperwork, and free up more hours for pro bono work. 

Both LawX projects are being piloted in Utah with potential for scalability and licensing possibilities in other states. 

Conceived by Dean Smith and Kimball D. Parker and launched in June 2017, LawX is a legal design lab to create and highlight products and other solutions to address the pressing issues relating to access to legal services.

“In the BYU LawX program, students use design thinking to identify and address access to justice issues. Throughout the semester, students design and create prototypes, which might be tech or policy solutions. They test their solutions with real potential users, and at the end of the semester they pitch their solutions to investors, stakeholders, and experts," said Nick Hafen, Head of Legal Technology Education at BYU Law School.

He added, "The program pushes students in ways no other law school course does, and students come out much better equipped to confront real-world legal challenges at the individual and structural level.”

If interested in attending LawX Demo Day, please email to request more information.


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