The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, passed in December 2017, represents one of most substantial updates to US tax law in three decades. It established, among other things, laws to encourage investment in low-income areas via the creation of "Opportunity Zones." Some of those incentives include tax benefits for investors, such as temporary deferral and potential exclusion of capital gains, along with other benefits.
Provo has Utah County's largest Opportunity Zone. It encompasses the downtown area and extends south along the east side of I-15 into Springville.
As a historic center of tech innovation in the state, Provo has been recognized as an advantageous city for entrepreneurs thanks to its effectiveness at leveraging its resources to promote economic growth, among other capacities. The resource that will be the focus of this lunch and learn its Provo's outsized opportunity zone.
To that end, Provo City has teamed up with Savvi Legal, a Provo-based "lifecycle legal and financing platform with integrated services for founders & investors" to convene an information-sharing and networking event on January 10th, 2024.
The event will take place in the Startup Building Event Space, 560 S 100 W, Provo Ut, 84601, on January 10th starting at noon.
Provo City will provide lunch for all attendees.
Savvi Legal will present on Opportunity Zones.
For more information contact Anders Taylor, Startup Building Manager, at (801) 473-1585.
Graphic credit: https://www.opportunityzones.org/map