People & Culture articles focus on a specific person that is doing something remarkable or noteworthy in Utah's tech and startup ecosystem. Often, these individuals are not generally well-known or famous except for in their own circles where they exert a profound and important influence on those around them and the organizations they serve; as a result, they positively impact the local culture and community.
People & Culture
People & Culture articles focus on a specific person that is doing something remarkable or noteworthy in Utah's tech and startup ecosystem. Often, these individuals are not generally well-known or famous except for in their own circles where they exert a profound and important influence on those around them and the organizations they serve; as a result, they positively impact the local culture and community.
RizePoint, a Salt Lake City-based technology leader in the food safety, quality management, compliance, and social responsibility space, has named Paul Damaren as its new Executive Vice President, Business Development. In this role, Paul will be at the helm of forging a new future for the company and charting RizePoint’
Like many tech startups, Codebase (Draper) experienced a pivotal growth phase during the pandemic. As “co-founder couple” Jon Bradshaw and Gunjan Saini Bradshaw quarantined at home, they seized two opportunities: 1) collaborate as newfound deskmates, and 2) develop global outsourcing solutions for what proved to be a post-pandemic mainstay: hybrid
By Elainna Ciaramella
In January, the Larry H. Miller Company (LHMCO) announced bringing Alex Dunn, a tech giant and entrepreneur, on as managing partner—a new role at LHMCO. Dunn’s onboarding was on the heels of LHM’s 24-month transformation where it sold the Utah Jazz and automotive dealerships,
By Elainna Ciaramella
In January, the Larry H. Miller Company (LHMCO) announced bringing Alex Dunn, a tech giant and entrepreneur, on as managing partner—a new role at LHMCO. Dunn’s onboarding was on the heels of LHM’s 24-month transformation where it sold the Utah Jazz and automotive dealerships,
RizePoint, a Salt Lake City-based technology leader in the food safety, quality management, compliance, and social responsibility space, has named Paul Damaren as its new Executive Vice President, Business Development. In this role, Paul will be at the helm of forging a new future for the company and charting RizePoint’
Like many tech startups, Codebase (Draper) experienced a pivotal growth phase during the pandemic. As “co-founder couple” Jon Bradshaw and Gunjan Saini Bradshaw quarantined at home, they seized two opportunities: 1) collaborate as newfound deskmates, and 2) develop global outsourcing solutions for what proved to be a post-pandemic mainstay: hybrid
For those not familiar with the nonprofit sector, it may be surprising to learn there are few resources for global organizations to build their online presence and increase their transparency to funders, users, and volunteers. Angela (Angie) Holzer, founder of WikiCharities (Bountiful, Utah) and recent Master of Business Creation (MBC)
Today Instructure announced that Chris Ball has been appointed the company's new President and Chief Operating Officer, effective January 9.
In the newly-created role of President and COO, Ball oversees the ed tech company's go-to-market strategy and customer lifecycle, including marketing, revenue operations, sales and customer
Tessa White, aka The Job Doctor, has a new podcast that went live today: The Job Doctor: Career Straight-Talk.
White has spent decades observing patterns in how people manage their careers and how companies operate. With over a million followers on her social media accounts, White has released a new
By Elainna Ciaramella
Eye drops are medicine, and they can be costly like pills or injections. Eye drops can relieve dryness and irritation, treat glaucoma, ocular inflammation, allergies, and conjunctivitis (pinkeye). Eye drops are also prescribed after cataract surgery to reduce inflammation and prevent infection. The problem is eye drops
By Elainna Ciaramella
Big box gyms are great, until they’re not. From living too far from a gym, to having little ones at home, to sacrificing exercises due to people “hogging” equipment as they sit on their phones, to time-devouring conversations with gym goers that cuts into limited workout