People & Culture articles focus on a specific person that is doing something remarkable or noteworthy in Utah's tech and startup ecosystem. Often, these individuals are not generally well-known or famous except for in their own circles where they exert a profound and important influence on those around them and the organizations they serve; as a result, they positively impact the local culture and community.
People & Culture
People & Culture articles focus on a specific person that is doing something remarkable or noteworthy in Utah's tech and startup ecosystem. Often, these individuals are not generally well-known or famous except for in their own circles where they exert a profound and important influence on those around them and the organizations they serve; as a result, they positively impact the local culture and community.
Header Image: Brandon Fugal with costar Thomas Winterton of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.
Season two premiers today, Tuesday May 4th at 10/9c on The HISTORY Channel.
Editor's Note: This is part two of a two part series. Read part one here.
A story on Fugal'
Header Image: Brandon Fugal with a trimeter, an investigative tool used on The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. Season two premiers Tuesday May 4th at 10/9c on The HISTORY Channel.
Editor's Note: This is part one of a two part series. Part two can be found here.
Many in Utah will know the name of VidAngel. The company made a name for itself with a streaming service to filter Hollywood media of any vulgarity, sex, or violence. In 2016 filtering made them a target of a $62 million lawsuit from Disney, Fox, Warner Brothers, and Lucas Films.
Many in Utah will know the name of VidAngel. The company made a name for itself with a streaming service to filter Hollywood media of any vulgarity, sex, or violence. In 2016 filtering made them a target of a $62 million lawsuit from Disney, Fox, Warner Brothers, and Lucas Films.
Header Image: Brandon Fugal with costar Thomas Winterton of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.
Season two premiers today, Tuesday May 4th at 10/9c on The HISTORY Channel.
Editor's Note: This is part two of a two part series. Read part one here.
A story on Fugal'
Header Image: Brandon Fugal with a trimeter, an investigative tool used on The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. Season two premiers Tuesday May 4th at 10/9c on The HISTORY Channel.
Editor's Note: This is part one of a two part series. Part two can be found here.
On January 13, 2021, MX raised $300 million in Series C funding—the largest investment round in Utah history. This fourth fundraising round has increased the company’s valuation to approximately $1.9 billion. The round was led by a $150 million investment from TPG, a private fund based in
In 2017 at Desert Hills High School in Saint George Utah, two students died by suicide. The death of any young person is a tragedy, and throughly moreso when the death comes by suicide. Here were two such tragedies at one school with just over a thousand students.
Desert Hills
Editor's Note: This piece represents personal opinion and personal experience. It does not in any way constitute financial advice.
TechBuzz News and its authors and editors are not accredited financial advisors. Do your own research on any investment you choose to make.
Austin Craig, the erstwhile filmmaker, is
The Women Tech Council (WTC) has awarded Seraphine Kapsandoy with the Operational Excellence award. Kapsandoy is the Chief Clinical Information Officer at Intermountain Healthcare.
“I lead a team of clinical informatics analysts,” said Kapsandoy. “So these are clinicians as well as non-clinicians who focus on making technology better for our
The United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other country in the world. By gross numbers, America has hundreds of thousands more prisoners than China or India, each of which is a billion people more populous than the U.S. According to the Pew Center on the States,