Women Tech Council recently released its 2024 Impact Report, "BREAKING THROUGH: Celebrating Gains and Confronting Barriers for Women in Tech."
The report is intended to both document gains for women in tech and identify targeted areas where immediate and important focus is needed. Among its findings, the report asserts that there has been some progress for women in tech in reducing barriers to entry in early STEM exposure and career entry.
It cites the following statistics:
- Women hold only 26.7% of tech-related jobs, with an even lower percentage (24%) holding tech leadership positions.
- During the 2023 tech layoffs, women were 1.6x more likely to be let go than their male peers. Since the pandemic, five million women have lost tech jobs.
- Women are voluntarily leaving the industry at a 45% higher rate than men, with more than 50% quitting before the age of 35.
The report goes on to say that women in tech still face significant barriers on the path to leadership and promotion, including low-promotability workplace tasks, utilization of flexible work, disruptions in mentor relationships, and different leadership styles.
“Despite the pioneering work done by and for women in tech over the last several decades, it will take more advocacy from leadership to more fully integrate women into every part and level of the technology workforce,” said Cydni Tetro, president of Women Tech Council.
She continued, “By leading out in key areas that are critical to this impact, we’re focusing conversations and efforts to maximize meaningful change for women in tech and create the kind of cultures and companies that will help grow and develop talent at all levels.”
To read the full 2024 Impact Report, authored by the Women Tech Council, click here.